Saturday, December 22, 2012

advent {day 22}

mutti, oma, omama, sweet pea and me

to the ladies who gave me a lifetime of
incredible christmas memories,
~your magic, your cuisine, your cookies and your love~
when i light the candles on the tree this year
i will feel blessed beyond words.

your magic lives forever in my heart.


  1. What a precious photo!

  2. aw... yes, yes it does. and you are adorable. xo

  3. the women who shape our lives. they leave behind the magic so that we may shape others' lives. and you are the cutest thing ever. :) xoxo

  4. Anonymous1/14/2013

    Oh my! This is fabulous. Taken in the living room on Ellicott Creek. Can you dig that groovy wall paper, which was only enhanced by the avocado green shag carpet! Seeing this brings my eyes to instant tears. Aunt Elke is so beautiful! I love and miss you! PS MY GOODNESS, WE ARE FREAKING ADORABLE :)


I always appreciate the time you take to comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by. Peace from my heart to yours. xo, Graciel