Thursday, November 04, 2010

just do it

this in my "inbox" today~

The path to enlightenment is not a path at all,
it's actually a metaphor for the time it takes
for you to allow yourself to
be happy with who you already are,
where you're already at,
and what you already have - 
no matter what.

Just do it, 
    The Universe


  1. I like this...I'm going to print
    this out and carry it with me to
    help me remember. Thanks Graciel!

  2. first, i really love this photo - it evokes feelings of preparing for winter and triggers images i may write about. second, the path to enlightenment. i think i might have ended this quote after the words allow yourself. or maybe to be. whatever it is, wherever you are. i will have to think about it.

    :) but not too much.


  3. the path to enlightenment is the one you're on.

  4. 'Allow' how many of us need these allowances!


I always appreciate the time you take to comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by. Peace from my heart to yours. xo, Graciel