Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Love is the reason for the season.
To each of your hearts from mine~
I ask for your highest blessings
and I ask that you know the power of love intimately;
love for others and mostly, love for yourself.
It is the love for yourself that will create miracles.


  1. And miracles are indeed everywhere. I wished for snow yesterday, never knowing a white Christmas, and snow fell with great abandon late in the afternoon, gone quite soon, but oddly (or not) I was in the middle of it, on an abandoned downtown street, camera in hand, twirling and laughing.

    You are healer, my dear. Merry Christmas to you and your mother and the Gypsy King and to all others in your life.


  2. Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas full of peace and love and blessings, Graciel. :)

  3. Happy Christmas to you!

  4. Happy Christmas to you my dear friend. Hope the were filled with a warm heart.

    And may all your miracles come trough next year.

  5. love really does shine this time of year, doesn't it? love to you all year 'round, friend.

    and LOVE the bitty reindeer!

  6. Anonymous12/26/2009

    This is beautiful!

    Thank you!

    How neat that we both wrote of LOVE this Christmas :-)

  7. Until I really began to "feel" the Spirit within, I was always looking on the outside for my blessings. Now I know better. Miracles come from within. I love this photo—true love.


I always appreciate the time you take to comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by. Peace from my heart to yours. xo, Graciel