Saturday, December 26, 2009

Recovering Christmas

Looking out my window this morning, I see the neighbor's tree already pitched on the lawn. I imagine the effort it took to un-decorate it at first light; the holding the door open and tossing it from the top step, slightly too late for the garbage collector. A house with 4 children, but evidently, Christmas is done. For me, one driveway to the left, Christmas has barely begun.

Today, I allow myself to recover from the intensity of a retail job in holiday mode and the traditions of my family. Mine is a weary body filled beyond capacity with sugar and caffeine. Rest is needed, as is quiet contemplation. The true meaning of Christmas only comes to me when my heart and mind are still. So, today, I rest and let Christmas sweep softly in.


  1. Aww, i find that tree story quite sad, so easily and readily abandoned.

    For you Graciel, I wish the peace and quiet you need for contemplation... Enjoy! xo, K

  2. Wow, that was fast--your neighbors with the tree, I mean. Out with the old, in with the new, I guess.

    Wishing you a time of tranquility and serenity, Graciel.

  3. It's sort of sad to me, to let things go so quickly without contemplation...


I always appreciate the time you take to comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by. Peace from my heart to yours. xo, Graciel