Sunday, March 20, 2011

illness as opportunity

Amid the needles and indignities and loss of illness, there lies an opportunity. This opportunity has hovered, warm and ready for years or a lifetime, waiting and hoping for its moment to shine and bleed its way sweetly to the surface. It is the opportunity of liberation; liberation of the depths of connection, the depths of the human heart, and the marrow-deep meaning of life.

In illness lies the permission to stop holding back, to give and to receive with feverish need. Illness allows the rushing in of words left unsaid and a re-ordering of how time is spent. It brings down walls that have stood too long. It shines a light on things that don't matter. It gives clarity, like little else can, to the high-road of human relationship.

Illness, plain and simple, is an issue of love, often highlighting its lack. It is love's pained call to be brought forth into life, to be recognized as life's true meaning. Love is a feeling, an energy, an action. It is oxygen for the human soul. Illness, short or long, fatal or not, is an opportunity for all whom it touches to liberate themselves from the meaningless and focus more fully on a life lived with love.

{My mother at a chemo treatment in February. Always there is love expressed with flowers.}


  1. Vert thought povoking post. I hope that everything is OK in your world. xxxxxx

  2. Illness does have a very commanding way of reminding us what is important in life. Hugs to you, Graciel.

  3. All so true. Through it all, the love shines through. Hugs to you.

  4. I experienced this truth myself-there is something humbling about being ill and needing to rely on others, be vulnerable and accept our limitations. I believe however we emerge on the other side stronger and more compassionate people. Wonderful blog-beautifully written!


I always appreciate the time you take to comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by. Peace from my heart to yours. xo, Graciel