Monday, June 16, 2008

Iris Of The Rainbows

In a parallel dimension to ours, there dwells a lovely Faery named Iris. Iris Of The Rainbows, to be exact. She is in charge of hope and healing and shedding light in hearts and minds when things become too stormy. She works very hard to reclaim the light when we are thundering and raining. She bends the light and fractures it, waves her willow-wood wand, and arches rainbows over our heads. She points her wand at our hearts and whispers, "There is hope, My Love. Hope for colors and joy. Hang on. Chin up. Gently now, let me see you smile. I'm here, Love. No more worries. The future is so full of promise."
Iris has been spending time with me since spring began. She has been helping keep my chin up and opening my eyes to rainbows. She chose the spot to bury my beloved cat after I had her put down in May. Naturally, in a patch of yellow iris. She holds my hand when hormones surge, winds pick up and storms suddenly roll into my mind. She held my hand this very morning as the sweetest lady Oriole flew into traffic one car ahead of me, was struck, and fell, almost torn to bits, in the lane next to mine. I heard Iris whisper through my storm of sudden tears, "Oh, Love, she died instantly. Let's bless her tiny soul. Keep driving. She's not in pain".

I thank God for Iris. She helps to keep any darkness from settling too deep. She reminds me that times of thunder and rain within are times of growth. She says with a laugh, this spring especially, I'm growing nicely.
Feel free to call on Iris whenever storms arise. Hormones, illness, loss, loneliness, wavering faith, or gloom. Her willow-wand and her whispers of love bring hope to every heart.

Update: June 16th, 7:40pm....My dear Iris has sent a full rainbow outside my east window. Thank you, Iris. I love it!

1 comment:

  1. A biennial protectress? Why, Iris is my kind of guide!


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