Monday, June 23, 2008


We are here and we are holding your wings open. Whatever comes, you can still fly. So let it come. Let it pass through. Let it rage like a storm. Let it go with a bow and a thanks.
Trust that your highest and best is being served, even when you are sinking low and your wings ache from disuse. Trust. Trust in the dark. Trust in the light. Trust in the gloaming between lives. You are attended by more Forces than you know. More than you can even imagine.
So, flow between effort and surrender. Let yourself be and do or not do. Listen more closely to the wishes and whispers of your heart. We are here. We are holding you. Trust. You will fly again .
{Endnote: after finishing this post, I went to my dear Kasia's blog. I was met with stunning, beautiful words. Please take a look and be uplifted.}

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