Sunday, November 20, 2011

golden moments

there are golden moments on the fringe of the turning point~
they are subtle and easily overlooked in the frenzy
and anticipation of the great, next happening,
the great, next way of being.

if you stop and look, you can sense the last
 messages of the season your soul is moving through.
you can feel the forecast of things to come,
and you can understand the beauty
and necessity of what has been.
it has all been beautiful and necessary.

in the golden moments, brief and full,
gratitude can plum its depths and 
soften the next season to come.


  1. Lovely post, Graciel. I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving. Thank you for so often reminding me that I have so much to be grateful for.

  2. this made me cry. you keep finding the parts of me that need a shoulder to lean on and offering them a shoulder and a hanky.

    if you stop and look, you can sense the last messages of the season your soul is moving through. that just got me. scared me in some place that is afraid to know these are, indeed, the last messages of this season of my soul.

    thank you.

  3. Lovely. And we have been blessed with long golden moments these days. . .


I always appreciate the time you take to comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by. Peace from my heart to yours. xo, Graciel