Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Danke fur alles

For the blog comments, for the texts, for the letters, the cards, the phone calls,
 the in-person support, the silent prayers, the emails, the donations to hospice,
the hugs, the tears, the cookies, the dinners, the flowers, the understanding, the love...

I thank you from the deepest place in my heart
 for your great kindnesses and your steadfast support.
 Every bit, every bit of what you offered made a difference.
 It gave me the strength to help grant my mother's last wish,
 to assimilate the journey and let the healing begin.

1 comment:

  1. as you walked this path, you asked me to continue down mine. you gave me strength by needing help. thank you right back.

    love you with my arms wide open.


I always appreciate the time you take to comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by. Peace from my heart to yours. xo, Graciel