Monday, February 06, 2012

of nourishment and the soul in bloom

the lovely Kasia Blue

We stat at my kitchen table, the lovely Kasia and me, and we chatted about food. Not about how much we love cheese (that conversation could last for days), but about what to eat and what not to. I am still in the process of figuring out how to eat for my overall betterment and Kasia has had answers for me when no one else I knew did. My better decisions with food have come from things she has taught me. Her medicinal chemist's brain and her way of getting to the point turned the tables for me last year. I make better choices (pay no attention to the chocolate cake in my fridge) and feel better because of them.

So, it was a needful choice that I asked Kasia to join me in my online course to help in honoring the body as our first home. Good food = a happier life, she says. And she's right. We made a video of our kitchen table chat and yet again, I learned more about making smart choices. The video is part of week 1 of the course.

This is why I am creating a course about honoring the home~ because, I, more than most need to find my way there. In the process of pulling the ideas and activities and the brilliant minds of my instructors together, I am learning volumes of what it is to be at peace with myself and settle into my home(s) at last. This evolving creation is among the greatest gifts I have given myself. 

I would be honored to share it with you. Come learn with me. Ask Kasia questions about the chemical reactions happening inside your body and understand how food is a sacred component of a happier life. Come meet her at the 1 day retreat. Come join the down-to-earth community forming for the 6 week journey to home.
What~ The Soul In Bloom~ home edition: online course and retreat.

When~ February 25th, 2012 through April 5th, 2012, with a 1 day retreat March 24th in Buffalo, NY.

Why~ To honor the 3 levels of HOME: body as1st home, dwelling as 2nd, earth as 3rd.

How much~ Only $65 for the online portion, and $95 if you'd like to join the retreat, as well.

To read all about it go HERE.

To sign up go HERE.


  1. Hi Graciel,

    I would like information on owls. I first started hearing them about a week ago. Didn't see them, just hear their vocalizations. Then, today, my son was hit by a motorcycle while he was riding his bike. He's ok, just lots of "road rash" as the docs call it and a sore body. When we returned home, I went outside and I heard what seemed like many owls "hooting". I tend to believe that they are a good omen, but wanted to get your take on this. Like I said, I have not seen them, only heard them. I do appreciate any information. Peace and Blessings, Tonya

  2. Tonya,

    I gasped when I read about your son being hit!! Thank God it's "only" road rash and soreness! The hooting? The very first thing that came to mind is protection. The Universe, in the form of the owls, was letting you know your son has been protected. Sometimes, our souls have lessons to learn and the lessons can be difficult, yet those lessons can be "softened", so we can truly digest the lesson and improve our lives. I think the owls are confirming for you and your whole family that gratitude and deep appreciation for each other is the call of the day. I have no doubt your family will huddle a bit closer now.

    The owls recommend that. :)

    Blessings as your son heals!!

  3. Thank you Graciel! You are right on point. My family has been struggling financially and it had caused much friction between us. I was harboring much anger at my husband, as I felt "trapped" at a stressful job because I'm the sole financial provider! This incident definitely brought us closer, and made me realize what's truly important and that I AM blessed!

    Continue the beautiful work that you are is appreciated!

    Peace and Blessings,

  4. Tonya~

    Thank you for the response to my offering. I have sent many emails and responded to requests for clarification about all things owl over the years, and you are among the very few who have ever responded back.

    Thank you for that!

    And 4 months from now when all is healed, remember to keep huddling as a family. xo, Graciel

  5. Anonymous4/04/2012

    Hi, Graciel

    I'm nervous!!! I know this may seem weird, but as I write this comment, I hear owls hooting outside and you are the only one I know to give me some clarity.

    As you may remember, I saw and heard owls a couple of months ago and then my son was in an accident. Now I hear owls's a constant string of hoots! What does this mean? Please any insight to calm my frantic and nervous mind!

    Peace and Blessings, Tonya

  6. Hello, Tonya!

    Don't be nervous!!! What comes to mind is to simply sit with the fear and sit with it some more and then come to know there is nothing to fear. It's, the owls helping you to pass through a state of being (they hoot, you get nervous, but nothing bad will come of it and you learn to stay steady and breathe through the nerves. It's a skill we all need!)

    As well, are you still remembering to huddle with your family? The owls are also reminding you to keep your top priorities in clear focus.

    xoxo, Graciel

  7. Anonymous4/05/2012

    Graciel, are you peeking into my home? LOL The family hasn't been huddling! We've been arguing! Once again, the spirit comes/came (thru the owls) to remind me yet again what is important! : ) Thank you for your insightful wisdom and many, many Blessings to you! Tonya


I always appreciate the time you take to comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by. Peace from my heart to yours. xo, Graciel