Saturday, February 02, 2008

Francine Ward~ Self Love

"If love is an action, how do you express self-love? Self-love starts with having the courage to be who you are, regardless of what others might think. It is about having the courage to live your dreams, to do what makes you happy in life, so that one day you won't wake up saying, ‘I wish I had.’ Self-love is about self-care, making your health a priority. Self-love is revealed in your willingness to stay focused on the things you say are important. It's about having the courage to set boundaries and protect them".
~ Quote by: Francine Ward


  1. Anonymous2/02/2008

    Courage is my word for the month! I read this after writing my latest blog. It is exactly what I am thinking. Thank you.

  2. Anonymous2/03/2008

    Hi Gracie,

    I was searching for spiritual blogs actually looking for sites that sponcer them to add my site to.

    Anyway, I found your page and just wanted to say hello and tell you that your art is incredible!!

    I read your post on self love and am going to send it to a young friend of mind I think will benefit from it. So, you touch lives.....and need to know that.My blogs, the second is a bible study.
    Regards.. Kitnet/Mary

  3. Anonymous2/04/2008

    We sometimes need a reminder of something learned but forgotten. Thank you for a comforting reminder of how wonderful it is to have confidence in my own choices and be happy with myself exactly as I am.

  4. After all the turmoil of the past year, my truest lesson has been exactly this. The ability to live my life without regret and with no apologies to those who felt that they needed one. I am starting to live my you will too, my dear friend. It is waiting at your the door.

    Thank you for my birthday present (although I am completely absentminded and left it at work). Much love,

  5. Self-love...the key to the overall lesson of "no regrets, just lessons learned." If you live by a motto where you focus on what is really true to yourself, then everything else will fall in place. The key is to think positive.


I always appreciate the time you take to comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by. Peace from my heart to yours. xo, Graciel