Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Bittersweet Goodbye

And so, with tears in my eyes and a smile in my heart, I tell you Blue and Creamsicle are being adopted. Together. They have found their forever home. My promise to them is fulfilled. Our collective efforts have made a difference in this world.

They go to a good, good home with a bittersweet story of its own. I will tell you more if permission is granted. The story and the struggle of Blue and Cream is known to the person adopting them. Special care will be taken with Cream. Updates will be passed on. Know they are moving on to exactly what they deserve.

I couldn't be happier, except that I'm sad they are leaving my life. By the time I can reach them tomorrow to say goodbye, they may already be gone. I'll bring my Kleenex just in case. It will be almost 9 months to the day between my discovery of them and their adoption. May it be a glorious rebirth for us all.

Thank you to all the lovely ladies who donated to the care of Blue and Creamsicle at the beginning of the year. Thank you to anyone who paid them a visit. Thank you to anyone who said a small prayer for their welfare. Thank you to Lynn for emptying her change jar and funding the dog cage that has been their home. Thank you to the volunteers at the adoption center for giving such good care. Thank you to Elaine for your enthusiasm and help in socializing the boys and for donating the first money to help feed the cats when they were strays. Thank you, most of all, to Stephanie who gave me hope back in the spring and made it possible for me to bring the boys to her shelter. She has loved Blue and Creamsicle as much as I have, and maybe, just maybe, even more.


  1. Wonderful, fantastic news, Graciel! I'm smiling big and wide! :D

    word verification for this comment:
    caturbo HA! Not sure what that means, but it seems like a good sign.

  2. this took me unawares and is the best news - the best! - but i am crying once again because, and this is stupid, but because i will miss them here. and because it has taken so long and they have broken my heart and i have fallen in love with them and i am so happy they will be together - i don't think i could have read the words if they'd been separated. this really is the best! take lots of kleenex - i need some here! :)


  3. and because of these sweet pictures. LOL! sniffle, sniffle . . .

  4. YEAH!!! I'm so happy for them!

  5. So, so very happy for Blue, Creamsicle and you!

  6. Anonymous8/31/2010

    Ah, this makes me cry. That's all I've got right now.

  7. Oh, I am so glad for them but so sad for you, I know you love them so. But know that you helped, that you changed their lives, gave them hope. I will miss those adorable faces (and your cute kitty-talk voice).

  8. oh they are so gorgeous. happy for them... and you.

  9. Anonymous9/01/2010

    Wow, freaky, I dreamed of them last night and remember exclaiming: 'They must get out of that cage; they have been there too long!' Answered prayer.

  10. Anonymous9/01/2010

    Oh, the absolute HAPPIEST news! They will be together?!?! :)

  11. I am SO glad for them! And though it is hard for you, thank goodness you have been there for them!
    Happiest of tears to all!

  12. Oh Yay!!!! Now the boys can live the life that the girls have been living since February. Safe, Happy (well, most of the time) and very, very loved. My girls were jumpingg up and down when I showed them your news. Much love to you, my generous and loving sister in blue. May your soul be blessed with a thousand kisses warm like the sun.

  13. OK I am going to cry. I have been so remiss at getting around to visiting blogs lately so thanks for letting me know the wonderful news. I do hope we will get an update or two, but just so happy!

  14. Oh I just caught up on the story, how amazing! Graciel...the happiest of endings.
    Or beginnings, rather.

    omg, my verification word is "budists" tell Debi!
    spelled wrong, but still!!!


I always appreciate the time you take to comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by. Peace from my heart to yours. xo, Graciel